Finding users to test our prototype has been one of the biggest challenges of this assignment, not necessarily because of actual difficulty in our case, but probably because of fright and procrastination.
Nonetheless, we understood quickly what would be the advantage to test our prototypes with actual users. Testing with tutors and fellow students was definitely insightful and had a huge impact on our design, but designers' opinion is way different than kids' opinion.
We reached Jan Prins school next to WDKA, unsuccessfully, we found a children place at the library, but timing was bad and we got an answer for the Villa Zebra, which was too late. We managed to do our user testing simply by walking down the streets during the week-end. If we hadn't found kids around the corner, we would have found them at parks.
Their feedback was definitely very interesting and led us to redesign some parts of our interface. What parents told us was extremely insightful as well and led us to design components that we might not have imagined otherwise.
All the tests we have done confirmed that we shouldn't make assumptions on our designs and that trying out and researching with the user was the key to success and efficiency.
All in all, these test taught us that, in the end, design is nothing without the other. And the project itself taught us that being a designer consists mostly in designing our own problems.
Reflection on user testing
All process content provided in the 'prototype & design' page will be shown during the presentation, on paper (and physical prototypes). This along with the website for showing the video's of the user testing and application design.
watch the video's shown in the presentation here: